Illegal Fishery in Africa and the Recommedations in the Context of Turkey

Boztaş A., Yıldırım Çinar H.

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLITICAL STUDIES , vol.5, no.2, pp.92-109, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


The fishery industry which is offering livelihood for approximately 820 million people in the World, has a significant importance for developing countries such as Turkey
and African countries. However, illegal fishing, particularly in Africa, has a negative impact on security of African countries in various respects as well as on global trade. There is a need for co-operation at local, regional and global levels for the fight against illegal fisheries of African countries, which already have fragile structures and crises. Turkey, who is in developing relations with Africa in recent years, can be an important actor in the fight against illegal fishing and ensuring security in the region.