School Counselors' Job Satisfaction: a Comparative Study of Preschool and Primary-School Counselors in Turkey

Nas (Dalcicek) E., Sak R., Şahin Sak İ. T.

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COUNSELLING, vol.39, no.4, pp.377-394, 2017 (ESCI) identifier identifier


This mixed-methods research compared job satisfaction among counselors working in pre-schools and primary-schools. Its quantitative phase included 223 counselors, 70 of whom also participated in the qualitative phase. A demographic information form, job-satisfaction scale and a semi-structured interview protocol were used to collect data. Quantitative analysis indicated that the primary-school counselors' job satisfaction was higher than that of the pre-school counselors. There were no statistically significant differences in satisfaction between the two groups based on gender, age, or marital status, or the interaction of any of those three demographic factors with the type of school where they worked. In the qualitative phase, approximately half of the primary-school counselors but just one-third of the pre-school counselors reported their job satisfaction as being high; and around half of the pre-school group and one-third of the primary-school group reported that school type where they worked had a negative impact on their job satisfaction.