Yılmaz O.

3rd International Veterinary Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Congress, Van, Turkey, 23 - 25 May 2024, pp.69-70

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Van
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.69-70
  • Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Affiliated: Yes



Aim: In recent years, owing to advancements in computer technologies, imaging techniques containing ionizing radiation have been widely employed in both human and veterinary medicine for the early diagnosis, diagnostic assessment, and evaluation of treatment effectiveness in diseases.It is crucial that the radiation dose to be applied to the patient is within the appropriate parameters, taking precautions for radiation protection, and increasing awareness on this issue, in terms of reducing possible radiation damage to minimum levels.This study was conducted with the aim of discussing the harmful effects of ionizing radiation on the organism and increasing awareness about the precautions to be taken against ionizing radiation exposure.

Material- Method: This review was discussed by making use of current literatüre on the harmful effects of ionizing radiation and methods for protection against these effects.

Results: Free radicals are formed as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation. The production and detoxification of these free radicals, which are necessary for life, are controlled by a very delicate balance in the body. When this balance between the formation rate and elimination rate of these molecules is disrupted, when oxidants increase or antioxidants are insufficient, the organism is exposed to oxidative stress. As a consequence, cellular metabolic processes are disrupted, leading to cellular aging, inflammatory damage, and

tissue injury in many vital organs due to the ensuing molecular breakdown.

Conclusion: Ionizing radiation shows its harmful effects on the organism at the cell, tissue, organ, system, or whole body level. To protect against radiation, it is crucial to minimize the absorbed dose, ensure necessary imaging while avoiding unnecessary exposure, repetition, and irradiation of other body parts, regulate the radiography room, safeguard personnel and patients, and adhere to working time limits in radiology units. Moreover, it is essential to raise awareness levels among everyone exposed to ionizing radiation, about the importance of radiation protection.

Key Words: Effects of radiation, Ionizing radiation, Organism