Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol.32, no.2, pp.394-413, 2022 (Scopus)
© 2022, Centenary University. All rights reserved.The aim of this study was to determine Van province and districts soil, temperature, and humidity regimes, which contain different geographical and climatic characteristics, with the Newhall Simulation Model. In the study, long-term average precipitation and temperature data obtained from Van center,Bahçesaray, Başkale, Çaldıran, Çatak, Erciş, Gürpınar, Gevaş, Muradiye, Özalp and Saray meteorological stations were used. In addition, Thorntwhaite and Erinç climate classifications were used to find the climate classification of the province and districts. Looking at the Thornthwaite climate classification, Bahçesaray and Çatak districts are in the region's southwest and in the semi-humid climate class. In contrast, the other locations show semi-arid climate characteristics. According to the Erinç climate classification, Bahçesaray, Çatak, and Muradiye are classified as semi-humid, Gürpınar in the arid climate class, and the districts located in the northern and eastern parts of the province are categorized as semi-arid. With the Newhall Simulation model, the soil temperature regime of the province and all districts was determined as "Mesic." The moisture regime of the soil of Bahçesaray, Çatak, Gevaş, and Muradiye districts and the Van region was seen as Dry Xeric. The soil moisture regime of Başkale, Çaldıran, Erciş, Gürpınar, Özalp and Saray districts was found to be "Typic Aridic". Calculation of the soil water budget, determination of water deficiency, and preparation of drought action planning will be beneficial in the effectiveness of all necessary physical, chemical, and biological activities of the soil and in determining the groups in soil classification.